Grey fleet motorists are ‘unmonitored’ company cars.

Employees who drive their own cars for work pose a big safety risk. Company vehicles are obvious targets for driver safety programs, but what about

7 reasons to beware of using Excel for critical data.

Excel can be a great tool for tabular data or rudimentary forms, and there are occasions when it’s appropriate to use Excel as a simple

Why companies need to ensure drivers are carrying out walkaround checks

A walkaround check is more than a ‘tick-box’ exercise as it ensures your vehicle is fit for the road. Increasingly at MexLucky, we have been

What Is Fleet Management Software?

If you have a fleet of vehicles within your organisation you should be using some form of fleet management software. Managing a fleet of vehicles

Five ways to reduce fleet fuel costs

These five simple steps can help minimise your fleet fuel costs, as reducing your fleet’s spend on fuel will always improve your bottom line. Since

What is FORS?

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme designed to help fleet operators improve fleet standards within their organisation. FORS offers a

What Is Telematics?

Telematics is the technology used to monitor individual vehicles or entire fleets and gather valuable data.

How Often Should I Check My Employee’s Driving Licence?

Managing a fleet is potentially hazardous. Safety legislation is getting tougher and tougher all the time, and as such, employers can face fines for serious

To prevent fatigue from affecting your driving you should…

If your employees spend a lot of time driving, it’s all too easy to fall into a comfortable place of driving while fatigued. The problem

How to reduce vehicle accidents in the workplace: 6 strategies

According to the HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) as many as a third of all road accidents involve a driver who is working at the

What does a fleet manager do?

Fleet managers play a vital role in any organisation with a fleet of vehicles. MexLucky explains their role. Fleet managers, also known as transportation managers,

How accurate is GPS tracking?

GPS is the most accurate way you can track and monitor vehicles within your fleet as most GPS tracking devices have an accuracy range of
